Monday 3 September 2012

Creative Thinking For Problem Solving, With Self Improvement ...

Self Improvement Products are here when there are times in your life when you tend to feel hopeless in a situation. You may feel that the particular problem has no solutions. There are times when you come up against a wall when you are involved deep in a problem and find that you are unable to seek out solutions. Or any alternatives or hints.

At such times, when you find yourself up against something you find impossible to get through or get over, you might find everything frustrating ? and quite vain. Problem solving can become a tremendous, arduous task.

Hope is not all lost, though you may actually still be able to find a way out.

Looking at your problem from a different perspective may open up the vistas of new solutions for you. A little creativity can go long away in helping you finish up with a problem. It can point out a lot of previously un-thought solutions to you.

The most important thing for this is the acceptance of existence of more than one solution to any problem. Also, you must be open to the idea that more than one workable solutions may still exist for a problem you have found to be unworkable.

It is good to have a positive outlook in such matters as it enables you to be more creative.

The first thing we have to accept is that our analysis of the problem may be wrong. This implies that we have been working in the wrong direction. It will require us to look at the whole problem from entirely different point of views to pinpoint the source of the problem. A proper analysis that chalks out the problem encountered and the factors contributing to it can lead to a more effective solution, and faster.

It is also essential to frame your problem into a simple statement. If you are unable to put down the problem in a sentence, you probably haven?t grasped it completely yet. You might want to observe and seek out the factors involved and their contribution to the problem. Note down any prospective losses or gains from the problem.

Next, put down all your inhibitions and your notions. These might often be the factors preventing a thorough understanding of the situation. You have to categorise these conjectures into applicable and non-applicable and address only the applicable ones.

Try to divide your problem into parts. Going through and solving the problem in bits provides a thorough solution. This approach of ?top-down? towards a problem lets you address the minutiae. Frame a question regarding the problem and seek a solution for it that can be written in a single sentence. This should also apply to the entire problem as a whole. Once you find the basic solution, you can keep adding to it to come up with a wholesome solution to the problem.

Be creative, logical as well as critical throughout the problem solving process. It helps you remain more open minded and you can analyse the pros and cons of all possible solutions, picking out the one that suits best and then modifying it to solve your problem entirely. Creativity is your weapon against any defects in a plan.

Try to work on more than one solution at a time. When you work on two or more parallel tracks, it is likely that you?ll come up with better solutions. You must be aware of the solutions and the possible ways they can be improved.

Two heads are better than one! You may want to believe this one. It is easier to brainstorm ideas in a team, especially when your colleagues are experienced in similar situations. Listening to all available alternatives with an open mind can often be very beneficial in terms of coming up with an all-encompassing solution.
Don?t try to become superman. Just don?t. You are not required to act like a martyr and go through difficulties alone to get to the root of the problem. An organised team to help your chain of thought is a wonderful asset to have and you must utilise it if you can.

Patience perseveres. As long as you patiently address the problem, with a calm mind, you will find a solution. Patience is the key. Rome was not built in one day!

You can perform a couple of exercises that build up the power of creative thinking. Here?s one.

Write a random word in the centre of a page, and then add words around it that you find are related to the central word. Build a word tree in this way. It improves your ability to link things.

Now, if you ever come up against an ?unsolvable? problem, don?t let it drive you into a corner. The solution is always nearby ? you have to only train yourself to be able to look for it. And it only takes a little effort and a scheme.

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