Thursday 13 September 2012

Announcement natural formulas for allergies by Dr. Dales Wellness ...

Ventura, CA (PRWEB) 12 September 2012

The shocking truth about allergies!

constant stream of allergy medication commercials in the media vying for our attention and dollars is the guide that most people use to treat allergy symptoms. What happens if these guidelines is incorrect and the drug has side effects? In all these media hype, I?ll bet she never known that phenols are a cause of allergies. In fact, the underlying hidden causes of allergies, sensitivities and intolerances phenols, a natural part of any plant or chemical. Dr. Theresa Dale, PhD, CCN, NP has, safe, non-toxic homeopathic formulas specifically formulated for the classifications of allergies in this article. These four non-addictive revolutionary formulas combine several plants and foods affect phenols produce a wide range of every type of allergen. Its just common sense to use homeopathic preparations of phenolic compounds, to persons who desensitize not only reduces or eliminates seasonal allergic reactions;. You can also use a long-term effect

The Facts About Allergy Medication?

It is no surprise that over-the-counter antihistamines we can snooze at work, but sleepiness is not the only side effect of allergy medicine. His well-researched, that the side effects low libido, increased appetite, altered taste and smell, long-term health problems, infertility in women, anxiety, cognitive impairment and depression. However, does the intensity of side effects from person to person. To make matters worse, these products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold and may cause serious side effects. For example, the brand name for the drug fexofenadine where infants and children experienced hives, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue / drowsiness, coughing, or infections of the upper respiratory tract. Why take a drug that has side effects if help is now using natural homeopathic AllerCyl? In addition, its safe for both adults and children.

phenols are the cause of all allergies??????? ?????

There is an ample amount of research on phenols, but let?s get to it from the beginning, just the basics. ? Dr. Robert Gardner, Ph.D. (Professor of Animal Science at Brigham Young University and widely considered the father of modern phenols) as well as other researchers found that phenolic compounds that occur naturally in plants, animals and humans as well as in man-made chemicals, are involved in many chronic health problems.

most phenols are aromatic, which means that they have a benzene ring in their chemical structure. Phenols give the flavor, color and / or odor to food, environmental substances and artificial chemicals. Phenols are a large number of many foods, and improve people from food sensitivities or intolerances only partially, if they only use the elimination diets (eliminating these specific foods) and / or rotation diets alone.

The use of homeopathic preparations of phenolic compounds to desensitize people not only reduces or eliminates reactions to food sensitivities, they also have a longer effect. Originally phenols were first for desensitizing people with food allergies and allergies to elements in the environment used (eg, seasonal allergies, dust, mold, perfumes, etc.). Dr. Theresa Dale formulated homeopathic phenolic desensitization products used a series called AllerCyl to help people with multiple food, pollen and other intolerances. Also can be used as the phenolic compounds in the proteins / amino acids forming substances such as histamine, serotonin, tyramine, and dopamine, desensitization individuals the offending phenolic worsen also be found to solve health problems associated with imbalances in the individual hormones and neurotransmitters production. Some phenols by endocrine-disrupting chemicals in consumer products such as bisphenol A and hormones such as estradiol. Caused found

desensitizing with revolutionary formulas!

The key to homeopathic desensitization neutralizing the body?s immune reaction to the substance, whether it is food, grasses, animal dander or pollen.

desensitization of phenolic compounds either AllerCyl Food # 1 or # 2, or AllerCyl Breathe AllerCyl Airborn was helpful in treating many ailments and symptoms, from acne to vertigo.

Five classification of allergic sensitivities

There are five ?allergy classifications? of the patient?s symptoms as described below.

The first classification is ?food allergies? that are not seasonal. Symptoms vary and are huge, such as itching, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and swelling, to name a few.

The next classification ?Seasonal pollen allergies.? A good description for this classification is seasonal pollen allergies, but the rest of the year to feel pretty good. Symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, coughing, asthma, sinus, and wheezing.

?Chemical Sensitivity? is a further classification and includes a variety of symptoms from exposure to perfume, gasoline, fabric softener, MSG or other preservatives, chemicals in food, tobacco smoke and other chemicals, but no symptoms of pollen or food.

course, there are patients with ?combination? of pollen, food and chemical allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. The symptoms are an infinite number of symptoms and combinations. In severity from person to person

Now the last classification ?universal reactors? is. Patients are described as organic / environmentally sensitive or ill. Symptoms of other health problems with their severe allergies and sensitivities to pollen, foods and chemicals are combined.

The solution helps allergies is to determine the source of the allergy and then a homeopathic treatment. For more information, please visit Dr. Theresa Dale Wellness Center.

Health Professionals and all other inquiries welcome.

For more information, call Theresa Dale office at (800) 219 1261st

Theresa Dale, PhD, CCN, NP

Founder, The Wellness Center for Research & Education, Inc.

Dean, California College of Natural Medicine


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